Italicized page numbers refer to images.
priesthood: keys of, 68–69, 72, 174; offices of (see bishop, Deacon, Priest, Teacher); pulpits of,
in temple, 40, 157; restoration of, 29,
338n526; temple ordinances of, 84, 160; Wilford
Woodruff’s ordination to, 33
Abraham: blessings of, 37–38, 84, 278; patriarchal marriage
and, 75, 229; priesthood adoption and, 105; and sacrifice of Isaac, 75–76, 236–37;
sealing powers and, 92; vision of, 34
Abraham, Book of: publication in Times and Seasons, 66, 67,
318n233; temple ordinances and, 66–67, 84 318n234
accountability, age of, 171
Adam: Adam-God teachings, 343n596; priesthood of, 92, 105,
118, 275; vision of, 34
Adams, Abigail Smith: proxy ordinances for, 347n660. See also eminent men and women
Adams, George, as proxy, 51
Adams, James: endowment of, 68, 341n590
Adams, John: proxy
ordinances for, 51, 190, 347n660. See
also eminent men and women
Adams, John Quincy: proxy
ordinances for, 190. See also eminent
men and women
adoption, through baptism, 60–62, 329n385. See also priesthood adoptions
Alder, Douglas D. (author), 339n549
Alexander, Thomas G. (author), vi, ix, 306n15, 316n203,
321n284, 350n683
Alger, Fanny, 319n254
Alger, Sarah
Ann Pulsipher, 174
Allen, James B. (author), 316n203, 367n954
Ancient of Days, 69. See
also Adam
Anderson, Devery S. (author), 329n387, 329n390, 341n585,
350n688, 354n765, 362n891, 365n928, 368n983
Andrews, Thomas: adoption of, 366n951
Angell, Truman O., 129, 157
angels: administration of, 6, 8, 44, 134, 159, 267; in
Kirtland Temple, 37, 41
anti-polygamy legislation. See Cullom-Struble Bill; Edmunds Act; Edmunds-Tucker Act; Morrill
Anti-Bigamy Act; Poland Act; plural marriage
Antoinette, Marie: proxy
ordinances for, 190. See also
eminent men and women
Apostle: church organization and, 16–17, 18, 353n723. See also Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Arizona, Wilford Woodruff’s exile to, 211
Army, United States, 140, 336n499
Asay, Carlos E. (author), 362n894
Assembly Room: of Kirtland Temple, 39, 40; of Red Brick Store, 68; of St. George Temple, 157
Atonement: proxy ordinances and, 35, 50, 302; Wilford
Woodruff on, 172
Austen, Jane: proxy
ordinances for, 190. See also
eminent men and women
Congregational Church, 18, 19
Bachman, Daniel (author), 356n801
baptism, of Wilford Woodruff, as infant, 15–16; by Baptist
minister, 22–23; into the Church, 28
baptism for health and healing: 372; during exodus, 126,
333n455; end of, 271–72, 365n922, 365n931; in Endowment House, 135–36; in
Nauvoo, 57–58, 60; in St. George Temple, 163; words used in, 57, 269, 365n924
baptism for the dead: 372; changes to, 52–54, 268; of
children, 171; in Endowment House, 132, 136, 156; during exodus, 126; first,
314n158; Joseph Smith’s introduction of, 33–35, 47–50; in Nauvoo, 47–52, 62–63,
315n173, 317n225; in Nauvoo Temple, 56–57; rebaptism and, 53, 271; and Signers of Declaration of Independence, 190–91;
in St. George Temple, 159, 163, 191; as welding link, 61–62, 74; Wilford
Woodruff and, 48–50, 51–52; words used in, 271, 364n919
baptismal font: of Endowment House, 132, 133–136, 335n482; of
Fourteenth Ward, 135; of Nauvoo Temple, 54–58, 100, 101, 102; of Salt Lake Temple, 264,
265; of St. George Temple, 148, 157,
Baptist Church, 20, 22
Bartholomew, N. W.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Barton, Mary Ann Swain (mother-in-law), 376
Barton, William Allen (father-in-law), 376
Baugh, Alexander L. (author), 314n158, 324n313, 333n455,
Beaman, Louisa, 319n254
Benbow, John: adopted by Wilford Woodruff, 116
Bennett, John C.: plural marriage and, 318n237
Bennett, Richard E. (author), 336n496
Benson, Ezra T., 143,
Bentley, Elizabeth Price, 344n611
Bergera, Gary James (author), 326n337, 330n390, 330n392,
Bernhisel, John M.: adopted to Joseph Smith, 106; and proxy
baptisms for Signers of Declaration of Independence, 349n671
Bethesda, pool of, 58, 134
bigamy: George Reynolds convicted for, 350n685; John Miles
convicted for, 350n686; law against, 140, 199, 245, 336n504. See also
plural marriage
Bigler, Henry W., 344n611, 349n671
Bigler, Jacob G.: rebaptism of, 335n488
bishop(s): 318n240; rebaptism and, 135, 145, 270; reformation
and, 137; temple recommend from, 164, 264–66
Bishop, M. Guy (author), 317n225
Black, Susan Easton (author), 315n173, 317n225, 324n313,
Bleak, James Godson, 212, 344n611
Bonaparte, Napoleon: proxy ordinances for, 190. See also eminent men and women
Book of Commandments: Wilford Woodruff’s copy of, 29. See
also Doctrine and Covenants
Book of Mormon: origin of, 28–29; plural marriage and, 75; Wilford
Woodruff and, 28, 211
Boone, Daniel, 347n658
born under the covenant. See
sealing of children to parents
bowery on Temple Block, 129
Bradshaw, Gilbert (author), 334n460
Brontë, Charlotte: proxy
ordinances for, 190. See also
eminent men and women
Brown, Charles (father-in-law), 279, 376
Brown, Frances Cann, 181,
Brown, Francis A., conviction
of, for polygamy, 201, 351n691
Brown, Harry (father-in-law), 376
Brown, Lisle G. (author): 334n467; Endowment House layout, 131, 133; Nauvoo Temple attic layout, 103; Red Brick Store layout, 69
Brown, Mary Arey (mother-in-law), 376
Brown, Matthew B. (author), 318n243
Brown, Moroni, conviction of, for polygamy, 201, 351n691
Brown, Rebecca: proxy sealing to Wilford Woodruff, 279
Brown, Rhoda North (mother-in-law), 376
Browning, Elizabeth
Barrett: proxy ordinances for, 190. See also eminent men and women
Buchanan, James: Johnston’s
Army and, 139–40; proxy ordinances
for, 187, 190. See also eminent men
and women
Buell, Prescindia Lathrop Huntington: sealing to Joseph
Smith, 327n345
Bullock, Isaac: rebaptism of, 335n488
Bullock, Thomas: Winter Quarters plat by, 117
Bunker, Edward Sr.: priesthood adoptions and, 281, 343n596
Burke, Edmund: proxy ordinances for, 348n663. See also eminent men and women
Burke, Jane Nugent: proxy ordinances for, 348n663. See also eminent men and women
Bushman, Richard Lyman (author), 312n123, 319n254
Cahoon, Reynolds: second anointing of, 323n305
Cahoon, Thirza Stiles: second anointing of, 323n305
Caine, John T.: and Manifesto, 360n843; rebaptism of,
Calhoun, Patrick: proxy
ordinances for, 191. See also
eminent men and women
calling and election: 323n298; and second anointing, 84
Candland, David, children sealed to, 326n335
Candland, Mary Ann Barton, children sealed to, 326n335
Cannon, Abraham H., diary of, 343n596, 352n711, 358n829, 364n916
Cannon, Angus, court
case of, 350n689
Cannon, David H.: exile of, 210; and endowment ceremony,
261; work in St. George Temple, 344n611; record of baptisms and, 163
Cannon, George Q.: on Adam-God teaching, 343n596; and written
endowment 341n590; on heirship and proxy ordinances, 220; as member of First
Presidency, 217, 242, 259, 287; on Manifesto, 250; on plural
marriage, 224, 247–48; on priesthood adoption, 287; rebaptism by, 145; with
Quorum of the Twelve, 143; and United
Order, 145; wanted poster for, 210
Carrington, Albert: rebaptism of, 335n488, 336n489
Carroll, Charles,
347n657. See also eminent men and
Carter, Ezra (father-in-law): 376; proxy second anointing
of, 182
Carter, Jared, 309n87
Carter, Mary (sister-in-law): proxy sealing to Wilford
Woodruff, 132, 334n470
Carter, Sarah Fabyan (mother-in-law), 376
Carthage Jail, 232, 327n347
celestial kingdom: consecration and, 9, 337n511; degrees
within, 34–35, 71–72; exaltation in, 331n399; Joseph Smith’s vision of, 34; qualification
for, 66, 320n261; relationships in, 44, 48, 86, 228, 302; represented in
Endowment House, 131; Wilford Woodruff and, 307n36
Cheney, Elijah: conversion of, 309n87; and conversion of
Wilford Woodruff, 26–28
Church Historian’s Office: 291; genealogical library in, 292; 368n994
civil rights: Edmunds-Tucker Act and, 245–46; restoration of
Saints’, 242, 247; sacrifice of, 235
Civil War, 141–42
Clark, James R. (author), 341n358, 358n829
Clawson, Hiram B.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Rudger J.: conviction of, for polygamy, 201,
Clayton, William, 316n203, 325n315,
325n322, 363n895
Cleveland, Grover: amnesty granted by, 242; and statehood of
Utah, 260
Cleveland, Sarah Kingsley Howe: sealing to Joseph Smith,
Sarah M.: proxy baptism by, 51
cohabitation: definition of, 200, 350n689; punishment for, 201, 225, 351n691. See also plural marriage
Connecticut: sketch of, 23; Wilford Woodruff in, 22
Coltrin, Zebedee: anointed Wilford Woodruff, 42, 313n143
Columbus, Christopher: proxy
baptism of, 190; proxy ordination of, to office of High Priest, 194. See also eminent men and women
Compton, Todd M. (author), 320n254, 327n345
Congress, United States: and anti-polygamy legislation, 140–41,
200, 209, 238, 244–47, 353n724; President Grant’s address on polygamy to,
353n741; redress petition to, 347n659; and Utah statehood, 230–31
consecration: law of, 143, 337n511; and Wilford Woodruff, 9,
11, 307n36. See also United Order
Constitution, United States: 243; First Amendment of, 78,
140; Wilford Woodruff and, 140, 244
Cook, Lyndon W. (author), 318n237, 324n311, 325n322, 333n456
Howard: children sealed to, 326n335
Martha Jane Knowlton: children sealed to, 326n335
Council House, Utah Territorial: 127, 213; ordinances in,
126–28, 130, 238, 334n460, 372–73; uses of, 334n458; Wilford Woodruff’s
sealings in, 127, 334n462, 376
renewal of, 57–58, 128, 135, 144, 148–49, 162, 163, 269, 271–72, 296. See also rebaptism
Cowan, Richard O. (author), 330n396
Cowdery, Oliver: appearance of Jesus Christ to, 38; priesthood
keys conferred on, 37, 312n126
Cowles, George, 18
Cowley, Matthias F. (author), 306n10, 308n45, 309n69,
Cox, Martha Cragun: proxy for Woodruff family members, 180
Hannah E. B., 344n611
Jesse W., 344n611
Cullom-Struble Bill: effect of, 244, 245; Phebe Woodruff
and, 77; Utah Commission and, 247
James W.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Erastus, 376
Custis, Daniel Parke: proxy ordinances of, 194, 349n671. See also eminent men and women
Alpheus: second anointing of, 323n305
Lois Lathrop: second anointing of, 323n305
William H.: rebaptism of, 335n488
(King): and patriarchal marriage, 75
de Corday, Charlotte:
proxy ordinances for, 190. See also
eminent men and women
Deacon: church organization and, 45; responsibilities of,
Declaration of Independence, Signers of: 168, 347n657; proxy
ordinances for, 190–94, 347n661, 348n665; Wilford
Woodruff’s vision of, vii, 185–87,
188–89, 196, 205, 299
Democratic Party, 244
Deseret, State of, 125,
divorce(s): regulation of, 200; of Wilford Woodruff, 81,
203, 351n695, 376
Doctrine and Covenants: and oath and covenant of the
priesthood, 92; and patriarchal marriage, 75
dreams: of Brigham Young, 117–18; of spirit world, 198; of
Wilford Woodruff, 116, 186–87, 256, 349n670
Dunford, Moreland, 376
Duyckinck, Evert A. (author), 187, 347n661
Dyer, Frank H.: and confiscation of Church property, 232, 240–41,
246, 357n811, 358n819
Edmunds Act: compliance with, 224; passed by Congress, 200,
Edmunds-Tucker Act: civil rights and, 245, 359n834; effects
of, 201; confiscation of temples and, 241
Ehat, Andrew F. (author), 318n237, 319n245, 323n297,
323n304, 325n315, 333n456
Elder(s): Church organization and, 45; and endowment of
power, 36; and keys of the kingdom, 68, 324n312; ordination to office of, 132, 160,
310n94; Wilford Woodruff ordained as, 93
Elias (prophet): appearance of, 37, 312n128
Elijah (prophet): appearance of, 35, 310n103, 312n128; mission
of, 33, 46, 61, 63, 89–90, 96, 100, 109, 266, 272–73, 283–84, 288, 290,
312n129, 338n526; sealing power and, 31-32, 37, 62, 312n128; spirit of, 89, 258
Elisha (prophet): instruction to Naaman, 58
Emancipation Proclamation, 142
eminent men and women: list in Wilford Woodruff’s journal, 188–189, 348n663; proxy ordinances for, 187–96, 207, 348n664, 349n671, 349n672; source
for information on, 347n661; temple records of proxy ordinances for, 191, 193. See also Declaration of Independence,
Signers of
endowment: changes to, 172–74; and Book of Abraham, 66–67; ceremony
of, 65; changes to, 172–74; in Council House, 127, 372; of eminent men and
women, 191–93; in Endowment House, 150–52, 155–56, 372; on Ensign Peak, 126; and
endowment of power in Kirtland, 70–71; introduction of, in Nauvoo, 68–69, 168–69;
Masonry and, 69–71; in Nauvoo Temple, 94, 102–103, 108, 263, 298, 372; of Phebe
Woodruff, 83, 370; prior to sealing, 105, 278; proxy, 53–54, 128, 151, 160, 161,
207–208, 211, 216, 372; purpose of, 71; recommend
for, 264–66; in St. George Temple, 158–60, 177, 182; in Salt Lake Temple, 262; of
Signers of Declaration of Independence, 191–93, 348-349; temple clothing, 175–76,
262–64; waiting period for, 266; of Wilford Woodruff, 84; women and, 68, 72, 83,
179–82, written ceremony for, 168–74, 341n590
Endowment House: 130,
131, 133, 144, 207; baptisms in, 132–36; construction of, 129–31; dedication
of, 131; demolition of, 209, 352n711; ordinances
in, 131–32, 155–56, 161, 206, 275, 372–73; proxy ordinances for eminent men and
women, 191, 349n671; Wilford Woodruff and, 135, 152–53, 376
endowment of power, 36, 41, 70, 238
England: Quorum of the Twelve’s mission to, 47, 48, 49; Wilford Woodruff’s missions to, 99, 111
Enoch (prophet): kingdom of priests and, 324n309
Ensign Peak: dedication of, 126; endowment on, 333n456
Eroppe, Arthur: on rebaptism, 364n921
Esplin, Ronald K. (author), 327n351, 356n801
eternal marriage. See
new and everlasting covenant of marriage; sealing of couples
Evans, David: rebaptism of, 335n488
Everett, Addison: proxy ordinances by, 348n665
exaltation: attained as couples, 86, 120; calling and
election and, 84, 323n299; Manifesto and, 237; ordinances required for, 33–34, 66,
74, 95, 120, 126, 137, 159, 178, 195; and priesthood adoptions, 94, 106; second
anointing and, 84–85
excommunication: in Kirtland, 45; and rebaptism, 269,
exodus from Nauvoo: 104, 107–108; priesthood adoptions
during, 114–20, 331n415, 373; proxy baptism during, 126, 333n455; sealing(s)
during, 80, 126, 321n282
Henry: officiates in St. George Temple, 344n611; second anointing of,
Maria: 348n663. See also eminent men
and women
family history. See genealogy
Connecticut, 4, 17, 18, 44
Farnsworth, Moses, 212, 352n719
Farr, Lorin: rebaptism of, 335n488
fasting, 164
federal government. See
government, United States
William: rebaptism of, 335n488
James: namesake of Wilford Woodruff’s son, 80; rebaptism of, 335n488
Fillmore, Millard: proxy
ordinances for 187, 190. See also
eminent men and women
First Presidency: of
Brigham Young, 123, 143; and
changes to temple ordinances, 261–62; of
John Taylor, 217; Joseph
Smith’s death and, 96–98; priesthood keys and, 342n592; rebaptism of, 120–21,
134–35, 144; on rebaptism, 269–71, 364n921, 365n922, 365n924; reorganization
of, 122–23, 217–18, 241–42; sealings of members of, 319n253, 359n840; on temple
clothing, 263, 362n894; temple ordinances in Kirtland and, 36; of Wilford Woodruff, 287
Vision of Joseph Smith, 45
Flake, Kathleen (author), 340n572
Floyd, William: proxy ordinances for, 191, 348n665. See also eminent men and women
Ford, Governor Thomas, 329n378
Fordham, Elijah: font in Nauvoo Temple and, 55
Foss, Rhoda Harriet (niece-in-law): sealing of, 321n281; Wilford Woodruff’s proposal to marry,
Foss, Sarah Brackett Carter (sister-in-law): journey to
Utah, 124; with Phebe Woodruff, 229
Founding Fathers: intention of, 244; Wilford Woodruff and, 186–93,
196, 204–205, 299. See also eminent
men and women; Declaration of Independence, Signers of
Islands, Maine: Wilford Woodruff’s
mission to, 45, 96
Franklin, Benjamin: 347n658; proxy ordination to office of
High Priest, 194; proxy second anointing of, 349n670. See also eminent men and women
Freemasonry. See
Garden of Eden: represented in Endowment House, 131; represented
in temple, 157
Garfield, James A.: proxy
ordinances for, 187, 190. See also
eminent men and women
garments. See
temple clothing
Gates, Susa Young Dunford: 194; officiates in St. George
Temple, 182; proxy baptism by, 159
Genealogical Society of New England, 184
Genealogical Society of Utah, 290–92, 368n594
genealogy: 151–52, 282, 290–92; of Wilford Woodruff, 152,
177, 184
Giles, Elizabeth Reith (mother-in-law), 376
Giles, Samuel (father-in-law), 376
government, United States: Church property and, 232, 240–41,
244, 336n504; 351n693; disincorp-oration of Church and, 141; Manifesto and, 249–51,
357n811; persecution of Saints by, 139–40, 201, 209, 222, 224, 227, 353n741; reconciliation
with, 242; State of Deseret and, 334n458; temples and, 236,, 241, 246; Wilford Woodruff and, 112, 140, 186. See also Congress, United States;
Supreme Court, United States
Graham, Martha, 305n1
Grant, George D.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Grant, Heber J.: and baptism for health, 365n922, 366n931; temple
garments and, 362n894; temples and, 356n816
Jedediah M., 135, 137
Grant, Ulysses S.: Wilford Woodruff on, 212, 353n741
Albert, 81, 376
Isaac C.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Hancock, John: proxy ordinances for, 191–92, 348n665. See also eminent men and women
Hancock, Levi Ward: proxy for John Hancock, 191–92, 348n665.
See also eminent men and women
Hansen, Ellen Clifford Andrews: sealing
of, 366n951
John E., 366n951
Hardy, Clarissa Harriman, 328n451
Hardy, Josiah G.: adopted to Wilford Woodruff, 183, 396n641
Leonard, 328n451, 346n641
Hardy, Samuel B.: adopted to Wilford Woodruff, 183, 396n641
Harrington, Leonard E.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Harrison, Benjamin: amnesty petition to, 242, 256, 359n840
Harrison, William Henry: proxy ordinances for, 187,
190. See
also eminent men and women
Richard: rebaptism of, 335n488
Stephen (ancestor), 152
Hartley, William G. (author), 340n580; 341n581
Haun’s Mill, 45
Leo: rebaptism of, 335n488
Hawley, Reverend Rufus: Woodruff family and, 15–16
heirship: baptism and right of, 60; and priesthood, 116,
118–19; in proxy ordinances, 219-221, 345n632
High Priest: eminent men ordained by proxy as, 194
Holmes, Elvira Annie Cowles: sealing to Joseph Smith, 327n345
Holy Ghost. See
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit: Adam-God and, 343n596; baptism in name of, 28,
47, 50; gift of, 17, 18, 36, 41, 42, 60; Brigham Young and, 122; Joseph Smith
on, 118, 332n422; Manifesto and, 250; Wilford
Woodruff and, 23–28, 44, 252, 254. See
also Holy Spirit of promise; Spirit
of God, the
Holy Spirit of promise, 72, 320n361
Hosanna shout: at Logan Temple dedication, 226; at Nauvoo
Temple dedication, 114; at Salt Lake Temple dedication, 257, 258
House of the Lord: 39, 132, 184. See
Endowment House; Kirtland Temple; Logan Temple; Manti Temple; Nauvoo Temple;
Salt Lake Temple
Howard, Nora Oakes (author), 308n48
Hyde, Marinda Johnson: children sealed to, 326n335; officiates
in Endowment House, 132; sealing to Joseph Smith, 319n253, 327n345
Hyde, Orson: children sealed to, 326n335; and dedication of
Nauvoo Temple, 114, 331n411; endowment of, 102; mission of, 25–26; sealing of,
319n253; second anointing of, 323n306, 325n316; seniority of Apostles, 143, 354n754
Illinois: Saints move to, 45, 315n188; Saints persecuted in,
102, 125, 327n347
Irving, Gordon (author), 330n390, 367n956
Isaac (prophet): blessings of, 278; patriarchal marriage
and, 224; sacrifice of, 75–76, 235–36
Israel, House of: adoption into, 60, 105; blessings of, 92;
gathering of, 29, 37–38; as kingdom of priests, 86; tribes of, 55
Annie L., 344n611
Ivins, Anthony W. (author), 318n243, 362n894
Ivins, Stanley (author), 320n272
Jackson, Andrew: proxy ordinances for, 187, 190, 347n660. See also eminent men and women
Jackson, Elizabeth Lloyd (mother-in-law), 376
Jackson, Rachel Donelson: proxy ordinances for, 347n660. See also eminent men and women
Jackson, William (father-in-law), 376
Jacob (prophet): blessings of, 278; patriarchal marriage
and, 224. See also Israel
Jacobs, Zina Diantha Huntington: 181; sealing to Joseph Smith, 327n345
Jefferson, Martha Wayles: proxy ordinances for, 347n660. See also eminent men and women
Jefferson, Thomas: proxy ordinances for, 51, 187, 190,
347n660. See also eminent men and
John the Baptist: conferral of Aaronic Priesthood, 312n128,
Aaron: rebaptism of, 335n488
Benjamin F.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Johnson, David, rebaptism of, 59
Lyman, as missionary, 24
Army, 140, 336n499
joint-heirs, 86, 159, 222
Eliza I., 367n971
Kanesville, Iowa: First Presidency organized in, 122–23
Kellogg, George H., conviction of, for polygamy, 201, 351n691
Kenney, Scott G. (author), vi, 364n921
Kimball, Heber C.: children sealed to, 326n335; endowment
of, 68, 102; Endowment House and, 124; in First Presidency, 123;
Joseph Smith’s death and, 96; priesthood adoption and, 106, 115, 280; rebaptism
and, 121–22, 134, 335n488; sealing of, 319n253; second anointing of, 323n306; washes
Wilford Woodruff’s feet, 43
Kimball, Stanley B., 328n372
Kimball, Vilate Murray: adoption to, 106; children sealed
to, 326n335; sealing of, 319n253; second anointing of, 323n306; temple clothing
and, 263
William H.: rebaptism of, 335n488
king and priest, 83, 84, 86. See also endowment; second anointing
kingdom of God: 36, 94, 155, 240, 258, 294; adoption into, 60–62;
baptism and, 31–32, 34–35, 50, 56; consecration and, 9; Joseph Smith on, 65,
88, 89; keys of, 37, 98, 196, 295; plural marriage and, 78, 236–37, 250–51; spiritual
and temporal, 139, 143
kingdom of heaven. See
kingdom of God
kingdom of priests, 86, 149, 324n309
Joseph C., 102
Ohio: apostasy in, 39; Wilford Woodruff’s
marriage in, 43–44
Kirtland Temple: 31, 39, 40;
conferral of priesthood keys in, 37–38; dedication of, 36, 37; design of, 39,
157; Jesus Christ appears in, 37–38; ordinances in, 35–37, 65; Solemn Assembly
in, 42; washings and anointings in, 41–43, 73, 372. See
also endowment of power; School of the Prophets
Kraut, Ogden (author), 331n397, 332n440, 343n596, 344n598, 344n606
Lisbon, 376
Larson, Andrew Karl (author),
338n523, 364n919
Larson, Gustave O. (author), 336n494
Larson, Katharine Miles
(author), 338n523, 364n919
Law of Adoption. See
adoption; priesthood adoptions
Law, William, endowment of, 68; plural marriage and, 319n253,
Lawrence, Henry W., receiver of Church property, 246,
lecture at the veil, 170–71, 343n596
Jail, 45
Lightner, Mary Elizabeth Rollins: sealing to Joseph Smith,
Lincoln, Abraham: proxy
ordinances for, 187, 190; polygamy and, 141; Wilford Woodruff and, 142, 347n658. See also
eminent men and women
Jesse C.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Livingstone, David, 347n658
Tabernacle: confiscation of, 240
Logan Temple: 226,
295; confiscation of, 240–41, 246,
357n811; construction of, 219; cornerstone-laying
ceremony for, 205; dedication of, 225–27; dedication of site for, 183;
Manifesto and, 256; ordinances in, 175, 220–21, 256, 261, 372–73; rebaptism in,
Lyman, Amasa: children sealed to, 319n253; endowment of, 102;
sealing of, 326n335
Lyman, Francis M., on Manifesto, 236, 257
Louisa Maria Tanner, children sealed to, 319n253; sealing of, 326n335
Lyon, Sylvia Sessions, sealing to Joseph Smith, 327n345
MacDonald, Alexander F., 344n611
Madison, Dolley (Dorothy Payne): proxy ordinances for, 187, 347n660. See also eminent men and women
Madison, James: proxy
ordinances for, 187, 190, 347n660. See
also eminent men and women
(prophet), prophecy of, 37, 89, 273, 290, 292
Manifesto: 248–56; acceptance of, 356n800; Charles S. Varian
and, 252–53; events leading to, 357n811; suspension of plural marriage and,
359n840; temples and, 248–49, 258–59; wording of, 235, 251
Manti Temple: 247, 297;
confiscation of, 241, 246, 357n811; construction of, 206, 225, 227; dedication of, 240–41, 239; dedication of site for, 183; ordinances in, vi, 175, 261,
372–73; rebaptism in, 270, 365n926
Rosannah Robinson, 3ealing of, 319n253; second anointing of, 323n305
Marks, William: endowment of, 68; sealing of, 319n253; second
anointing of, 323n305
marriage: announcement of Wilford and Phebe Woodruff’s, 43. See
also plural marriage; sealing of couples
marshal, United States, 200, 209, 211, 228, 353n741
Marshall, Evelyn T. (author), 363n901
Martineau, James H.: proxy temple ordinances by, 354n765; rebaptism
of, 335n488
martyrdom, 96, 98, 112, 232, 299
Mason, Robert: beliefs of, 17; proxy ordinances for, 182–83,
309n69; vision of, 21, 29–30
Masonry: history of, by Wilford Woodruff, 319n246; and
temple endowment, 69–71, 319n246
Matheny, Ellen Barton Ray,
181, 345n633
Matthew (Apostle): teachings on sealing power, 37, 73
Maxline, Lydia, sealing of, 321n283
Ann Davis, as proxy, 348n663, 349n672
McAllister, John D. T.: 173;
adoption to Brigham Young, 279–80; proxy ordinances for eminent men, 174, 179,
190, 348n663, 349n671–72; rebaptism of, 344n611; and temple ceremonies, 157, 261
McConkie, Bruce R. (author), 365n925, 370n1017
McGavin, E. Cecil (author), 318n243, 327n348
Priesthood: conferred on Joseph Smith, 29, 338n526; offices of (see Elder, Seventy, High Priest,
Apostle, Patriarch); and priesthood adoption, 94, 105; temple ordinances, 69, 72,
84, 89, 160, 174; ordination of Wilford Woodruff to 93; pulpits of, in temple, 40,
Merrill, Marriner Wood: heirship and, 220–21, 354n765; on Manifesto,
248; on rebaptism, 364n920; and plural marriage, 361n852; and temple ceremony
changes, 261
Miles, John: Supreme Court case of, 350n686
Millennium. See
Second Coming
Miller, George, children sealed to, 326n335; endowment of,
Mary Catharine Fry, 326n335
River: baptisms for the dead in, 48, 52, 54, 101; rebaptisms in, 59–60
Missouri: expulsion of Saints from, 45, 111, 125, 259; temple
in Jackson County, 342n594, 347n659; Zion’s Camp and, 306n15
Missouri River, proxy baptisms in, 126
Lyrena E., 333n455
Moffatt, Margaret E., 333n455
Monroe, James: proxy
ordinances for, 187, 190. See also
eminent men and women
Moore, Thomas: proxy
ordinances for, 191. See also eminent
men and women
Moqui Indians, 211
Isaac: rebaptism of, 335n488
Mormon Battalion: role of, 333n454; sealing of members of,
Moroni, 24, 32, 33, 46, 84, 89, 297, 310n103, 312n128,
Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act, 140–41, 199, 353n741
Moses: book of, 318n233; conferral of priesthood keys by, 37,
75, 312n128; patriarchal marriage and, 92
Mountford, Lydia Mary Olive von Finkelstein : sealing to
Wilford Woodruff, 321n284
Musser, Amos Milton: 212; conviction of, for polygamy, 201, 351n691
Naaman, Elisha instructs, 58
Nauvoo City Council, and Nauvoo
Expositor, 327n347
Nauvoo Temple: 87;
baptismal font, 101; baptisms in,
56–58; Brigham Young presides in, 101–102, 170–72; clothing worn in, 262–63; construction
of, 62, 99–103, 246, 327n346; dedication of, 102, 114; design of, 57, 103, 157, 164; endowments in, 102–103,
107–108; officiators in, 168; ordinances in, 99–109, 149, 372–73, 166; priesthood
adoptions in, 106; sealings in, 92, 104–106; second anointings in, 323n304; worthiness
and, 57, 164
Nelson, Horatio: proxy ordination to office of High Priest,
194. See also eminent men and women
Nelson, Leland R. (author): 318n242, 330n395, 332n423
new and everlasting covenant: of baptism, 30, 44; of
marriage, 72, 74, 84, 310n100
New Testament: restoration of practices in, 42, 57–58, 60,
84; Wilford Woodruff and, 16, 32
New York: Richland Branch established, 310n94; Wilford
Woodruff baptized in Grindstone Creek, 28; Woodruffs move to, 24–26
Neyman, Cyrus: first proxy baptism for, 314n158
Neyman, Jane: first proxy for baptism, 314n158
Nibley, Hugh (author), 322n288
Nuttall, L. John: 173,
171, 241; officiates in St. George Temple, 174, 344n606; and written endowment
ceremony, 168, 170
oil, anointing: in Kirtland Temple, 36, 42–43; in Nauvoo
Temple, 103
Old Testament: plural marriage in, 75–76, 86; practices and
rituals in, 36, 42, 55, 70
Oliver, George: Masonry, book on 319n246
Harvey, first proxy baptism by, 314n158
ordinances, higher, 86, 97, 192, 195
ordination. See
priesthood ordination
John E., 102, 319n253
Palmerston, Lord (Henry
John Temple): proxy ordinances for, 191. See also eminent men and women
Parepa, Demetrius: proxy ordinances for, 347n661. See also eminent men and women
Parepa, Elizabeth Sequinn: proxy ordinances for, 347n661. See also eminent men and women
Parepa-Rosa, Euphroynse: proxy ordinances for, 347n661. See also eminent men and women
John D.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Parkinson, Charlotte Elizabeth Smart, 181, 345n633
Warren, 93
Patriarch: 44, 68, 99, 123
patriarchal blessing: of Martha Cragun Cox, 180; of Wilford
Woodruff, 44, 132
patriarchal marriage: Joseph Smith on, 74–76; law against,
245; Manifesto and, 251; Wilford Woodruff and, 76–83, 212, 224. See also
plural marriage
Patten, David W., 312n128
Paul (Apostle): on adoption through baptism, 60–61; on
baptism for the dead, 49; on marriage, 72; on spiritual communication, 341n590
in Kirtland Temple, 37
People’s Party, 244
Perpetual Emigration Fund, seizure by government, 201, 232,
Peter (Apostle): on calling and election, 84, 323n298; on
spirit world, 301; conferral of Melchizedek Priesthood, 105, 187, 338n526
Phelps, William W.: rebaptism of, 335n488; and “The Spirit
of God" hymn, 42
Phippen, Reverend George: baptizes Wilford Woodruff, 22–23
Pierce, Franklin: proxy
ordinances for, 187, 190. See also
eminent men and women
Pingree, Job: conviction of, for
polygamy, 201, 351n691
plan of salvation, 89, 297, 325n324
plural marriage: abandonment of, 199–200, 213–14, 230, 233,
353n723; amnesty for, 242, 256, 359n840; announcement of, 321n273; anti-polygamy
legislation and, 140, 224–25, 336n504; compared to adultery, 79, 224; implementation of, 72, 75–76; John Taylor and, 74, 213, 232, 252, 350n688; Phebe
Woodruff’s defense of, 77; post-Manifesto,
254; prevelance of, 320n272; punishment for, 199, 200, 224–25, 336n504, 351n697;
suspension of, 236, 248, 252–54; test oath for, 231, 244, 357n811; Ulysses S.
Grant and, 353n741; Utah Commission
report on, 224; Utah Constitution and, 230–31; of Wilford Woodruff, 79–83,
376; William Law and, 319n253, 327n347. See
also Edmunda Act; Edmunds-Tucker Act; Manifesto; John Miles; Morrill
Anti-Bigamy Act; Poland Act; George Reynolds; United States Supreme Court.
Poland Act, 141, 336n505
Polk, James K.: proxy ordinances for, 187, 190. See also eminent men and women
polygamy. See
plural marriage
Porter, Reverend Noah, 16
Pratt, Addison: endowment of, 126
Pratt, Mary Ann Frost, sealing of, 319n253
Pratt, Orson: children sealed to, 326n335; plural marriage
announcement and, 321n273; sealing of, 319n253; second anointing of, 323n306,
325n316; with Apostles, 143, 354n754;
testimony of, 24
Pratt, Parley P.: on adoption through baptism, 60; endowment
of, 102; sealed to Mary Ann Frost, 319n253; second anointing of, 323n306; and A Voice of Warning, 60, 61; Zion’s Camp, recruits Wilford Woodruff for, 306n15
Pratt, Parley P. Jr.: polygamy and, 201, 351n691
Pratt, Sarah Marinda Bates, children sealed to, 326n335; sealing
to Orson Pratt, 319n253
Pratt, Thankful Halsey: proxy sealing of, 319n253; proxy
second anointing of, 323n306
prayer circle, 83, 322n288
Presbyterian Church, 16, 17, 18, 20
Priest, 36, 45, 70
priesthood adoptions: 366n951; Brigham Young and, 104–106,
275; cancellation of, 368n983; complications
of, 119–20; end of, 266, 272–89; during exodus from Nauvoo, 114–20, 331n415, 373;
Joseph Smith and, 92–94, 106, 274; in Nauvoo Temple, 104–106, 330n396, 373; by
proxy, 106, 330n391; in St. George Temple, 182–83, 192, 207, 276–78, 373; suspension
of, 127–28, 170; Wilford Woodruff and, 279–88
priesthood authority, 22, 28, 30, 52, 73, 78, 248, 298, 299
blessing: in temples, 42,
127, 271–72; by Wilford Woodruff, 10; of
Phebe Woodruff, 101, 114; of Wilford Woodruff, 6–9, 85–86
of, 72, 78–79, 83–86, 89,
92–93, 97–98, 105, 147, 149
keys: 68–69, 72–74, 174, 338n526; of Apostles, 342n592;
conferred in Kirtland Temple, 37–38; women and, 86
priesthood ordination: by proxy, 128, 160, 192, 193, 288,
340n570, 344n606; of Wilford Woodruff, 33,
principalities, 85, 224, 276
proxy baptism. See
baptism for the dead
Pulsipher, Mary
Brown, 26, 27
Sarah Ann, 174, 344n611
Pulsipher, Zerah: adopted by Wilford Woodruff, 116; conversion
of, 309n87; conversion of Wilford Woodruff, 26–28, 310n94; ordains Wilford
Woodruff to Aaronic priesthood, 33; revelation
to, 26
queen and priestess, 83–84, 86. See also endowment; second anointing
Quinn, D. Michael (author), 322n288, 328n352, 333n451, 351n697
Quorum of the
Anointed, 323n304
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: on baptism for healing, 58,
271–72; endowment of, 342n592; excom-munication of members of, 45; Joseph Smith’s
death and, 96–99; Manifesto and, 248–51, 359n840; mission to England, 47–48, 49; plural marriage and, 76, 230–31; priesthood
adoption and, 106; rebaptism and, 59, 68, 134–35, 144, 268–70, 316n212, 335n489;
reorganization of, 122–23, 206, 217, 241–42; sealing power and, 329n380; second
anointing and, 97–98, 142; seniority in, 143,
354n754; Wilford Woodruff’s service in, 8, 12, 30, 217–19, 358n821
Alonzo H., 341n590, 344n611
rebaptism: of apostles, 59, 120–21, 316n212, 333n455, 336n489;
baptism for the dead and, 57; end of, 268–72, 364n920-21; in Endowment House,
134; first, 59; in Logan Temple, 372; in Manti Temple, 365n926, 372; in Nauvoo,
59–60, 268–69; for recommitment, 120–21, 364n921; records of, 163, 163; Reformation and, 132–34; in Salt
Lake Temple, 372; in St. George Temple, 159, 365n926, 372; of Signers of Declaration
of Independence, 51, 190, 347n660, 348n665, 349n671; temple recommend and, 164,
269; United Order and, 143–45; of Utah Territorial Legislature, 136, 335n488; by
Wilford Woodruff, 133, 365n924; of Wilford Woodruff, 59, 120, 144, 220,
316n212, 336n489; words used in, 144, 270. See
also baptism for health and healing
Red Brick Store, Nauvoo, 68,
redemption of the dead, 34–35,100–101, 178–80, 192, 205, 213–15,
219–22, 237–38, 294–303, 331n399
reformation: catechism during, 137, 138, 243, 336n494; in Nauvoo, 59–60, 133; rebaptism of Legislature during,
136, 335n488; in Utah, 132–38
Relief Society: keys of the priesthood and, 68, 324n312; and
kingdom of priests, 86, 324n309; organization of in Nauvoo, 68; reorganization
of in Utah, 142
Republican Party, 244
restoration: of all things, 76, 89, 90, 320n271; of gospel, 28,
30, 44, 246, 267–68, 296; of priesthood, 29, 33, 45, 78, 89, 105, 324n312,
resurrection: families after, 78, 224, 294; proxy ordinances
and, 48, 49, 176, 178, 196, 301–302; sealing power and, 342n592; Wilford
Woodruff on, 311n121, 317n223
revelation: on baptism for the dead, 48–50, 359n840, 364n916;
on celestial kingdom, 71–72; on celestial marriage, 72, 224; on First
Presidency, 122–23; on Founding Fathers, 186–193, 196, 204–205, 299; to Joseph
Smith, 29, 33–34, 46, 65, 86; on Kirtland Temple, 39; on law of consecration,
337n511; on Logan Temple, 225–26; on Manifesto, 247–53, 258–59; on Nauvoo
Temple, 54; on plural marriage, 75–79; 213, 352n723; on priesthood, 92; on
priesthood adoption, 272–75, 281–90; on salvation of children, 90; on sealing
power, 66; second anointing and, 77; on temple ordinances, 172, 246; on
universal salvation, 34–35; on washing feet, 311n113; to Wilford Woodruff on, x,
24, 168, 174, 179, 186–87, 212–14, 233, 266, 289–90; on Zion’s Camp, 306n15
Reynolds, George, court case of, 209, 350n685, 353n724
Rhode Island: Wilford Woodruff and, 24–26
Rich, Charles C., with Apostles, 143
Richards, Franklin D.: genealogical library of, 368n994; with
Apostles, 143; rebaptism of, 335n488;
sealing of, 321n281
Richards, Jennetta Richards: adoption to, 106, children
sealed to, 326n335; endowment of, 102; sealing of, 319n253; second anointing
of, 323n306
Samuel W.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Richards, Willard: adoption to, 106; children sealed to,
326n335; endowment of, 68, 102; as member of First Presidency, 122, 123; and
prophecy regarding Wilford Woodruff’s wives, 321n282; sealing of, 319n253,
321n281; second anointing of, 323n306
Rigdon, Sidney: Church leadership and, 93–99; plural
marriage and, 318n237
Ebenezer, 318n232
Rocky Mountains, 112, 240
Rolfe, Samuel: healing in Nauvoo Temple, 58
David James, 351n695, 376
Alonzo H., 333n451
sacrament, the, 272
sacrifice, law of, 172
St. George Tabernacle, 147
St. George Temple: 157,
185, 277; baptism records from, 163, 191,
193; changes in, 233; clothing in,
175, 264; confiscation of, 236–37, 241, 246, 357n811; construction of, 147–49, 148, 151, 155, 206; dedication of, 158–159,
238; design of, 157, 164–65; eminent men and women and, vii, 185–98, 299; John Taylor on, 345n615; ordinances in, 159–84, 207–208,
260, 372–73; priesthood adoptions in, 275–78; proxy ordinaton in, 288; rebaptism
in, 163, 270, 365n926; revelation in, 174, 179, 186–87, 204–205; sealings in, 277–78;
second anointing in, 162, 192, 207, 344n606; significance of, 221; temple
workers in, 174, 344n611; Wilford Woodruff and, 182–84, 194–95, 209–11, 218,
230, 238
Salt Lake Temple: baptismal font in, 264, 265; clothing in, 263; confiscation of, 236–37, 241, 246,
357n811; construction of, 144, 146, 147, 197, 256–57, 257; dedication
of, 258–59, 269–270, 291; Lorenzo Snow lives in, 341n589; ordinances in, 261–62,
288–89, 372–73; site of, 129; statehood and, 261
Satan: power of, 1, 6, 10, 123, 136, 258–59
saviors on Mount Zion, 56, 196, 222, 286, 294, 344n615
Sayers, Ruth Vose: sealing to Joseph Smith, 327n345
Scammon, Rhoda Farnham Carter (sister-in-law), 229
Scarborough, Maine, 43, 45, 374
Schmutz, Richard A. (author), 339n549
Scholes, Eugenia (grandchild), 202
Scholes, Robert (son-in-law), 202
School of the Prophets: in Kirtland, 35–36, 39– 41, 311n113,
311n115, 313n143; in Salt Lake City, 142, 311n115, 322n288
sealing, of individuals, 73, 74, 90, 320n264
sealing, keys of, 37-38, 46, 61–62, 96–97, 149–50, 312n129,
338n526, 342n592
sealing of children to parents: 73, 161, 272–73, 279–80;.
born under parents’ covenant, 90–91, 278; in Nauvoo Temple, 105–106, 274–75,
326n335; in St. George Temple, 207, 276; suspension of, 106, 128, 170, 275. See also sealing of families
sealing of couples: 10, 86, 272, 335n487, 373; during exodus,
126; of eminent men and women, 191, 194, 347n660, 349n672; in Endowment House,
131; Joseph Smith on, 71–74, 274; by proxy, 156, 178, 211, 373; in Nauvoo
Temple, 104, 274; in Salt Lake Temple, 288–89; in St. George Temple, 161, 178,
192, 207, 211; of Wilford Woodruff, 74, 80, 126–27
sealing of families: in Nauvoo Temple, 90–92; Wilford
Woodruff’s revelation on, 266, 272–75, 281–90.
second anointing: 85,
373; administered to couples, 86, 325n316; blessings of, 83–84; of eminent men,
349n670; in Endowment House, 132, 373; in Nauvoo, 83–86, 97, 323n304–306, 324n313,
325n316; in Nauvoo Temple, 330n396; by proxy, 182, 349n670, 373; recommend for,
265–66; reintroduction of, in Salt Lake City, 142, 161–62, 337n508, 373; in St.
George Temple, 162, 192, 207, 344n66; Wilford Woodruff and, 85, 142, 349n670
Second Coming: preparation for, 24, 111, 158; timing of,
361n866; Wilford Woodruff and, 150, 205, 212, 214, 230, 254, 302
Sessions, Patty Bartlett: sealing to Joseph Smith, 327n345
Seventy, Quorum of, 40, 43
Shem, Ham, and Japheth, 205
Siloam, pool of, 58
Smith, Agnes Moulton Coolbrith: endowment of, 102
Smith, Alvin, 34, 35
Smith, Bathsheba Bigler: children sealed to, 326n335; officiates
in Endowment House, 131–32; sealing of, 319n253; second anointing of, 323n306
Smith, Don Carlos: endowment of, 102; proxy baptism by, 51,
349n671, Times and Seasons, 318n232
Smith, Edna Lambson, 181, 345n633
Smith, Emma Hale: endowment of, 83; ordinances administered
by, 83; sealing of, 72; second anointing of, 85, 323n304; temple ordinances
after Joseph Smith’s death, 102, 106
Smith, George A.: 143;
on Brigham Young, 342n594; children sealed to, 326n335; endowment of, 102; and
proxy baptism of Wilford Woodruff, 51, 328n368; sealing of, 319n253; second
anointing of, 323n305; on Wilford Woodruff, 307n38
Smith, George D. (author), 320n272, 356n801, 363n895
Smith, Hyrum: 73; children sealed to, 326n335; criminal
charges against, 327n347; death of, 95–6; death mask of, 95; endowment of, 68–9; plural marriage and, 75; sealing of, 72,
319n253; performs sealing of Wilford and Phebe Woodruff, 74, 334n462; second anointing of, 323n305; Wilford Woodruff’s
vision of, 258
Smith, Jerusha Barden: children sealed to, 326n335; proxy
sealing of, 319n253
Smith, John: endowment of, 102
John L., 344n611
Smith, Joseph: 71, 95;
and Abraham, Book of, 66–67, 318n234; on adoption, 60–63, 79, 92, 274, 332n422;
adoption to, 106, 280–81, 330n393; on baptism for healing, 57–58, 60; on
baptism for the dead, 34–35, 47, 51–53, 56–57, 184; and Book of Mormon, 29; on
calling and election, 83–84, 323n298, 323n299; on celestial kingdom, 71–72; on
consecration, 337n511; death of, 95–96, 361n866, 327n347, 342n592; on Elijah,
viii, 32–33, 37, 89–90, 272–73, 312n128; on endowment, 68–69, 108–109, 168–69,
173–74, 333n456, 341n590; on eternal marriage, 72–74; and Fanny Alger, 319n254;
and Far West, Missouri, 45; First Vision of, 33, 45; on fulness of the
priesthood, 83, 149; incarceration of, 45; and James Strang, 96; Jesus Christ’s
appearance to, 33, 38; on Jackson County, Missouri, 306n15, 342n592; and
kingdom of priests, 86, 149, 324n309; on Kirtland Temple ordinances, 35–37, 42–43,
65; and last charge to Apostles, 96–97; and Louisa Beaman, 319n253; and Marinda
Hyde, 319n253; and Martin Van Buren, 347n659; Masonry and, 69–71; Moroni and, 32–33,
297, 310n103; Moses and, 37, 75, 92, 312n126, 312n128, 318n233, 338n526; newspaper
account of, 26, 97; on plan of salvation, 325n324; plural marriage and, 74–76,
224, 248, 253, 327n345; on prayer circles, 322n288; on priesthood adoptions
and, 92–94, 105–106, 117–18; on priesthood keys, 37–38, 67–68; on priesthood
ordination by proxy, 340n570; on proxy ordinances, 87–89, 195, 214–15; on
Quorum of the Anointed, 323n304; Red Brick Store of, 68, 69; on rebaptism, 59, 269; on restoration of priesthood, 89; at
Salt Lake Temple dedication, 258; on salvation of children, 90; on Satan’s
power, 6; School of the Prophets and, 35–36, 313n143; on sealing of children to
parents, 90–92; sealing power and, 37, 329n380; on second anointing, 84–86,
323n304; Sidney Rigdon and, 97–98; on sealing, 72–74, 211, 212, 228, 329n380;
on spirit world, 314n168 on temple clothing, 262; on temple ordinances, 128; on
temple’s role in Church, 162; translation of scripture by, 26, 69, 75, 318n233,
318n234; on universal salvation, 34, 90; on washing of feet, 33, 311n313,
311n315; on washings and anointings, 35–36; Wilford Woodruff adopted to, 280–81,
329n386; Wilford Woodruff and, 6, 29, 34, 259, 298, 338n526
Smith, Joseph F.: 124, 131, 259; baptism ceremony and, 362n894; as member of
First Presidency, 217, 242, 287; with Quorum of the Twelve, 143
Smith, Joseph Fielding (author), 365n925, 370n1017
Smith, Joseph Sr.: and patriarchal blessing of Wilford
Woodruff, 44, 132; proxy second anointing of, 323n305; washing and anointing
of, 36
Smith, Julina Lambson, 181, 345n633
Smith, Lucy Mack: and ordinances in Nauvoo Temple, 330n393;
second anointing of, 323n305
Smith, Martisha Smoot (mother-in-law), 376
Smith, Mary Fielding: administers washings and anointings,
83; endowment of, 102; sealung of, 319n253; second anointing of, 323n305
Smith, Samuel (father-in-law), 376
Smith, Samuel H. (Joseph’s brother), 25
Smith, William, sealing and, 319n253; succession and, 328n352
Smoot, Abraham O.: Kirtland endowment and, 37; adoption by
Wilford Woodruff, 116; and exodus to Salt Lake City, 122
Snow, Erastus: 211, 212, 228; on Brigham Young, 342n594; death
of, 358n824; dedicates St. George Temple baptismal font, 148; with Quorum of
the Twelve, 143; rebaptisms into
United Order, 148–49; and St. George Temple dedication, 158–59
Snow, James C.:
rebaptism, 355n488
Snow, Lorenzo (son-in-law): on baptism ceremony, 365n924;
and changes to endowment ceremony, 261; heirship,
221; Hosanna shout and, 257; and Manifesto, 249–50; with Quorum of the Twelve, 143; rebaptism of, 335n488; as Salt Lake
Temple President, 341n589; wife Phebe Woodruff, 273
Snow, Minerva W., 181,
Snow, Orion (grandson), 273
Solemn Assembly: in Kirtland Temple, 42; sustaining John
Taylor, 205–206; sustaining Wilford Woodruff, 242
Solomon (King): patriarchal marriage and, 75; temple of, 55
Catherine Curtis, sealing of children to, 326n335
Daniel: rebaptism of, 335n488
Orson: sealing of children to, 326n335
Spirit of God, the: hymn, 42; revelation and, 282, 360n846;
and Utah Legislature, 136; Wilford Woodruff taught by, 16, 28, 44; witness
of, 137, 286;
spirit world, 46, 47, 50, 62, 74, 94, 100, 149, 150, 154,
172, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 184, 185, 187, 195, 198, 204, 205, 214, 215, 218,
222, 225, 250, 254, 277, 283, 284, 288, 301.
See also spirits in prison
Spirit, gifts of, 16, 17, 18, 19, 28, 36, 41, 42. See also tongues, speaking in; visions
spirits in prison: Jesus Christ and, 314n168; proxy
ordinances for, 48, 149, 154, 176; revelation on preaching to, 34, 35, 49, 51
Sprague, Eliza Caroline Everett: proxy baptism of, 136
Sprague, Mary Woodard: proxy baptism by, 136
Sprague, Samuel L.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Stansbury, Howard, 329n385
Stapley, Jonathan A. (author), 316n204, 330n390
Stephens, John L., 347n658
stillborn children, temple ordinances for, 171
Stocking, Catherine Emeline Ensign (mother-in-law), 376
Stoker, John: rebaptism of, 335n488
Stout, Hosea: rebaptism of, 335n488
Strang, James, 96, 98, 99
Stuy, Brian H. (author), 348n663
Supreme Court, United States: Angus Cannon case and, 350n689;
Church property and, 357n811; and court cases on polygamy, 199–200, 231, 244; Davis v. Beason case, and 357n811; George
Reynolds case and, 209, 353n724; John Miles case and, 350n686; Mormon Church v. United States case and,
Sweetwater River: Wilford Woodruff blesses son at, 122
tabernacle: adobe in Salt Lake, 129, 146
tabernacle, ancient, ceremonies
in, 36, 70
Tabernacle, Salt Lake: 144,
146, 213; confiscation of, 241
Talmage, James E. (author), 362n877
Taylor, John: 143,
210; seniority of Apostles and,
354n754; death of, 232; endowment of, 102; Endowment House and, 339n543; Masonry
and, 69; plural marriage and, 74, 213, 230, 232, 251–52, 350n688; as President
of the Church, 206, 217; priesthood adoptions and, 106, 274, 282; School of the
Prophets and, 313n143; St. George Temple and, 345n615; second anointing of, 323n306;
as editor of Times and Seasons, 66,
318n232; wanted poster for, 210; Wilford’s
vision of, 258
Taylor, Lenora Cannon: sealing to John Taylor, 319n253; second
anointing of, 323n306
Taylor, Zachary: proxy
ordinances for, 187. See also eminent men and women
Teacher: Wilford Woodruff ordained as, 33
telestial kingdom: representation of in temple, 157
temple clothing: changes to, 362n894;
in Nauvoo, 102, 262–63; in St. George Temple, 171, 175–76, 264; symbolism of,
temple ordinances. See
baptism for the dead, endowment, ordination, priesthood adoptions, sealings,
and washings and anointings
temple recommend, 164, 195, 243, 264–66, 269–70, 269
terrestrial kingdom: representation of, in Endowment House,
131; representation of, in temple, 157
test oath, for polygamy, 230–31, 244, 357n811
testimony: of Wilford Woodruff, 15, 28, 67, 174, 210, 218, 298
Thompson, William H., 229, 344n611
time and eternity, 74, 78, 142, 255
Times and Seasons:
and Book of Abraham, 67; Wilford
Woodruff and publication of, 66
Tingen, James Dwight (author), 334n467, 334n487
tithing: payment of, as qualification for temple service,
57, 164, 195
tithing office: confiscation of, 240
tongues, speaking in, 36, 41
Tullidge, Edward W. (author), 321n274
Tyler, John: proxy
ordinances for, 190. See also eminent men and women
United Order: 162; baptism into, 144, 148; Brigham Young
and, 143–44, 243; rules of, 145, 149, 337n513; in St. George, 147–48
universal salvation, 186, 192, 296, 298, 302
University of Deseret, 128
Urim and Thummim, 67
Utah, statehood for, 230–31, 250–51, 260–61
Utah Commission Report, 224, 247, 357n811, 360n843
Utah Territorial Legislature: 334n458; rebaptism of, 136, 335n488;
Wilford Woodruff member of, 126
Utah Territorial Supreme Court: and Angus Cannon case, 350n689; and confiscation of
Church property, 241, 246, 357n811; and George Reynolds’ case, 350n685
Utah War, 139–41
Valley House: 202,
houses four generations of Woodruffs, 203
Van Buren, Martin:
and Joseph Smith, 347n659; proxy ordinances
for, 190. See also eminent men
and women
Varian, Charles S.: appointed U.S. attorney, 357n811; on
Manifesto and Wilford Woodruff, 252–53
visions: 17, 18, 36, 42, 70, 186–87, 268; of Joseph Smith, 34–5, 45, 72; of Robert Mason, 21, 30;
of Signers of the Declaration of Independence, vii, 179, 186–87, 204; of Wilford Woodruff, vii, 186, 236, 251,
259, 311n661
rights, 201, 230, 236, 243–45
Walker, Charles Lowell, on adoption, 343n596; and rebaptisms
into United Order and, 148
washing of feet: in Kirtland Temple, 42; and School of the
Prophets, 311n113, 311n115, 313n143; of Wilford Woodruff, 43, 214
washings and anointings: in Council House, 127; in Endowment
House, 132, 335n487; in Kirtland, 41–43, 372; in Nauvoo, 69, 83, 88; in Nauvoo
Temple, 102, 128; in Old Testament, 70; of Phebe Woodruff, 83; promises of, 83;
by proxy, 53; purpose of, 42; in St. George Temple, 161, 179; by Wilford
Woodruff, 42, 132; of Wilford Woodruff, 42, 43, 83
Washington, George: appearance of, 186; proxy ordinances
for, 51, 190, 194, 347n660, 349n671; proxy ordination to office of High Priest,
194. See also eminent men and women
Washington, Lawrence: proxy ordinances for, 190, 194,
349n672. See also eminent men and
Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis: proxy ordinances for,
51, 190, 194, 347n660; 349n671. See also
eminent men and women
Washington, Mary Ball: proxy ordinances for, 190, 194,
349n672. See also eminent men and
Webster, Daniel: proxy ordinances for, 190. See also eminent men and women
Webster, Dwight (brother-in-law): joins Strangites, 98, 113;
marriage to Eunice Woodruff, 306n8
Webster, Eunice Woodruff (sister): conversion of, 45, 123; joins Strangites, 98,
113; proxy ordinances for, 180, 279
Webster, Nathan, 376
Weeks, William: as Nauvoo Temple architect, 54, 55
welding link: baptism as, 61–62, 74; sealing as, 283–84
Wellesley, Arthur (Duke
of Wellington): proxy ordinances
for, 191. See also eminent men
and women
Wells, Annie T., 344n611
Wells, Daniel H.: as Apostle, 143; blessing of Wilford Woodruff by, 8; officiates in Endowment
House, 131; rebaptism of, 335n488
Wells, Governor Heber M., 260
Wesley, John: proxy baptism of, 190; proxy ordination to office
of High Priest, 194. See also
eminent men and women
West, Chauncey W.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Wheeler, Helen (aunt), 20
Wheelock, Cyrus H.: rebaptism of, 335n488
White, Jean Bickmore (author), 364n919
Whitney, Elizabeth Ann Smith: children sealed to, 326n355; second
anointing of, 323n305; temple clothing and, 263
Whitney, Newel K.: children sealed to, 326n355; endowment
of, 68, 102; on women and the priesthood, 324n312; second anointing of, 323n305;
widows, sealing, 104, 120, 277
Wight, Harriet Benton: sealing of, 319n253
Wight, Lyman: sealing of, 319n253; and succession, 327n352
Wilderness Revelation, of Wilford Woodruff, 212, 214
Willardson, Christina,
181, 345n633
Williams, Frederick G., 44
Winsor, Anson P.: rebaptism of, 344
Winter Quarters: death of Wilford Woodruff’s sons in, 122; plat
of, 117; Wilford Woodruff’s accident in, 6; Wilford Woodruff’s sealings in, 126,
Woodruff, Abraham Owen (son), 375
Woodruff, Ann Thompson (daughter), 375
Woodruff, Aphek (father): 2–3, 18, 112, 141, 202, 283; adoption of, 116; birth of, 305n8;
character of, 16; conversion of, 45, 123; and exodus to Salt Lake City, 112,
122, 351n695; genealogy of, 152; marriage of, 2, 306n8; on plural marriage, 79;
proxy adoption to, 183, 329n386; proxy sealing of, 279
Woodruff, Aphek (son), 374
Woodruff, Asahel (brother): baptism of, 23; death of, 26,
306n8; inspiration of, 24–25; proxy ordinances for, 62, 182; Wilford Woodruff’s
testimony to, 44
Woodruff, Asahel Hart (son), 374
Woodruff, Azmon (brother): 2, 153, 154; birth of, 305n8; conversion of, 24–28; moves to New York, 24,
309n85; ordination of, 310n94; proxy baptisms by, 153
Woodruff, Azubah Hart (stepmother): birth of, 305n8; conversion of, 45, 123; joins Strangites, 113; genealogy of, 152; influence
of, on Wilford Woodruff, 16; marriage of, 2; on plural marriage, 79; proxy
sealing of, 279
Beulah Augusta (daughter): 374
Woodruff, Beulah Thompson (mother): death of, 2, 16, 34, 62,
305n8; genealogy of, 152; proxy baptism of, 62; proxy sealing of, 279, 317n223
Woodruff, Brigham Young (son): 183; birth of, 374; death of, 184
Woodruff, Charles Henry (son), 375
Woodruff, Charles Wilford (great-grandson), 285
Woodruff, Clara Martisha (daughter), 375
Woodruff, David Patten (son), 183, 374
Woodruff, Dinah (grandmother): proxy ordinances for, 182
Woodruff, Edward Randolph (son), 375
Woodruff, Elizabeth Pierce (sister-in-law), 24, 27
Woodruff, Emeline (daughter), 375
Woodruff, Emma Manella (daughter), 203, 374
Woodruff, Emma Smith (wife): 82, 255; children of, 209,
374–75; homes of, 202, 203, 228; proxy
ordinances by, 229; resealed to Wilford Woodruff, 132; sealed to Wilford
Woodruff, 80, 127, 376
Woodruff, Ensign (son), 375
Woodruff, Eudora Lovina Young Dunford (wife): 82, child of, 375; divorced from Wilford
Woodruff, 81, 203, 351n697; officiates in St. George Temple, 182, 344n611; sealed
to Wilford Woodruff, 80, 180, 376
Woodruff, Ezra (son), 7, 122, 374
Woodruff, Fanny Lloyd (daughter-in-law), 203
Woodruff, Hyrum Smith (son), 374
Woodruff, James Jackson (son): birth of, 80, 374; blessing
of, 122; lives with Wilford Woodruff, 141
Woodruff, Jeremiah (son), 375
Woodruff, John Jay (son), 375
Woodruff, Joseph (son), 7, 122, 374
Woodruff, Josiah (grandparent): proxy baptism of, 62
Woodruff, Julia Delight Stocking (daughter), 375
Woodruff, Marion (son), 374
Woodruff, Mary (daughter), 375
Woodruff, Mary Alice (daughter): baptism of, 229; birth of,
209, 375
Woodruff, Mary Ann Jackson (wife): 82; child of, 80, 374; death of, 351n696; divorced from Wilford
Woodruff, 81, 351n695, 376; and exodus to Salt Lake City, 122; sealed to Wilford
Woodruff, 80, 203, 376
Woodruff, Mary Caroline Barton (wife): divorced from Wilford
Woodruff, 81; sealed to Wilford Woodruff, 80, 321n282, 376
Woodruff, Mary Meek Giles Webster (wife): death of, 81; resealed
to Wilford Woodruff, 334n470; sealed to Wilford Woodruff, 80, 376
Woodruff, Matthew (ancestor), 152
Woodruff, Newton (son), 375
Woodruff, Ozem (uncle), 152
Woodruff, Ozem Thompson (brother), 2, 24, 305n8, 309n85
Woodruff, Phebe Amelia (daughter): birth of, 374; proxy
ordinances by, 152, 182; sealed to Lorenzo Snow, 141; Wilford Woodruff and, 112,
122, 273
Woodruff, Phebe Arabell (daughter), 374
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter (wife): 44, 229;
47–48, 219; baptism for the dead and, children of, 7, 45, 122, 123, 132, 141, 278,
374; courtship of, 40, 43; death of, 81, 228; endowment of, 83; exodus to Salt
Lake City, 123; heirship and, 219; homes
of, 202, 203; marriage of, 43, 44; mission to England, 101, 111–12;
and Nauvoo Temple, 113, 114; plural
marriage and, 75–82, 77; priesthood blessing of, 101, 114, 228; proxy ordinances by, 52–53,
101, 182–83, 278, 279, 328n368; resealed to Wilford Woodruff, 127, 132, 334n462;
sealed to Wilford Woodruff, 74, 319n253, 276; second anointing of, 85–6,
Woodruff, Philo (brother): proxy baptism of, 62, 305n8
Woodruff, Rosannah (daughter), 375
Woodruff, Sarah Brown (wife): children of, 81, 183,
374–75; homes of, 202; resealed to
Wilford Woodruff, 132; sealed to Wilford Woodruff, 80, 127, 376
Woodruff, Sarah Delight Stocking (wife): 80, 228; children of, 374–75; home of, 202; sealed to Wilford Woodruff, 80, 376
Woodruff, Sarah Elinor Brown (wife): divorced from Wilford
Woodruff, 81; sealed to Wilford Woodruff, 80, 321n282, 376
Woodruff, Sarah Emma (daughter): 45, 374; proxy sealing of,
Woodruff, Sarah Woodford (grandmother): proxy baptism of, 62
Woodruff, Shuah Carter (daughter), 122, 123, 374
Woodruff, Susan Cornelia (daughter), 122, 374
Sylvia Melvina (daughter), 374
Woodruff, Wilford Jr. (son): 285, 374; endowment
of, 132; lived with Benbows, 112; moves to Randolph, 202; ordination of, 132; proxy
ordinances by, 182
Woodruff, Wilford S. (grandson), 285
Woodruff, Winnifred Blanche (daughter), 82, 375
Word of Wisdom, 164, 337n513, 341n586
worthiness:for endowment, 160, 164, 264; for priesthood
adoptions, 94, 104, 119, 277; for proxy ordinances, 56, 192–93, 278–79, 285–286,
288. See also temple recommend
Jonathan C.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Wright, Kristine L. (author), 316n204, 330n390
Yorgason, Blaine M. (author), 334n549
Young, Brigham: 107; on
Adam-God, 343n596; blessing of Phebe Woodruff by, 101, 114; blessing of Wilford
Woodruff, 6, 8; death of, 109, 194, 204; on endowment, 99, 102, 108, 160, 168–74,
333n456; endowment of, 68, 102, 168; Endowment House and, 129–131, 155; Ensign
Peak dedication by, 126; on First Presidency, reorganization of, 122–23; on
heirship, 119–20, 219–20; Jackson County, return to, 342n594; James Buchanan
and 139–40; Johnston’s Army and 140; Joseph Smith and, 99, 117–18, 332n422; lecture
at the veil, 170, 343n596; Logan Temple and, 183, 226; Lucy Bigelow Young and
182; Manti Temple and, 183; Masonry and, 69; and ordinances in Council House,
126–28; ordinances during exodus by, 126; ordinances in Nauvoo Temple, 101–108;
ordinances, restriction of, 53–54, 328n364, 340n570; on plural marriage, 119-120;
plural marriage(s) of, 75, 319n253; on prayer circles, 322n288; as President of
the Church, 122-23, 123, 143, 169; as
President of the Quorum of the Twelve, 96; on priesthood adoption, 104–106,
115–16, 182, 273–75, 280–81, 343n596; and
priesthood keys, 96, 174; priesthood reorganization by, 162–63; rebaptism of, 60,
120-21, 134, 136, 144, 316n212, 336n489; on reformation, 333n494; on revelation
process, 109, 116-17; St. George Temple and, 147–48, 151, 156, 159–61, 186; Salt
Lake Temple and, 120, 258, 42n594; School of the Prophets and, 313n143; sealing
of, 72, 85; on sealing of children to parents, 92, 106, 171, 275, 278; sealing
of Wilford Woodruff by, 321n282, 334n462; on sealing power, 72–73, 329n380; second
anointing and, 85, 142, 323n304; succession crisi and, 96–97; temple ceremonies and, 101–108, 168–71; on
temple clothing, 262–63; on temple recommends, 164; United Order and, 143–44
Young, Brigham Jr.: as
Apostle, 143, 335n489; rebaptism of,
335n488; temples. confiscation of,
359n837; work in St. George Temple, 159, 174
Young, Joseph A.: rebaptism of, 335n488
Young, Lucy Bigelow: proxy ordinances for eminent women, 190–93,
347n661, 348n66, 349n671, 349n672; as St. George Temple matron, 174–75, 181, 182, 344n611; temple clothing and,
Young, Mary Ann Angell: sealing of, 319n253; second
anointing of, 85
Miriam Works: adoption to, 106; proxy sealing of, 319n253
Zion, 83, 99, 111, 120, 143–44, 158, 236, 259
Zion’s Camp, 4, 36, 306n15
Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution, 145; dedication of, by Wilford Woodruff,